How Much Does a Website Cost?

How Much Does a Website Cost?

Whether you own a restaurant, nonprofit, hotel, or healthcare clinic, you want your audience to always see the best version of your business. That’s why you need a website that’s not only welcoming and user-friendly, but also intuitive and helpful. Here’s how to estimate what that site might cost you. 

Website Features That Add Up 

The baseline cost to build your site will vary depending on whether you opt to design, develop, and launch it yourself with a website builder or partner with a professional website designer. Online builders can start at tens or hundreds of dollars — experienced designers can start at hundreds or thousands. Other factors that’ll contribute to the cost of your website include: 

  1. The type of site you want to build — a portfolio, e-commerce site, blog, etc. 
  2. Whether you need a website redesign or a completely new site 
  3. The number of pages your site needs 
  4. Any original copy 
  5. SEO placement services 

Why Hire for Your Website? 

Website builders are typically a cheaper option than working with a professional website developer and designer — for a reason. The services of a website expert might come at a steeper cost than a generic online builder, but they also come with major advantages. In addition to offering thoughtful, responsive, user-friendly layout, an agency that specializes in web design and development can often also help with SEO placement and search engine ranking: services that can provide a hefty return for your investment. 

A website builder, on the other hand, offers less customization while requiring more of your time and effort. And if you aren’t caught up on the latest best practices, you could end up wasting a lot of both along the way. You’ll not only have to take charge of the organization, flow, and function of your site, but you’ll also have to provide copy and images. 

Build Your Website with Think Integrated

Whether you’re starting a business and need a new site or have an established brand that could use a redesign, the web designers and developers at Think Integrated want to be a part of the process. Our team keeps an open line of communication and provides regular updates, so you can be as hands-on as you’d like without ever having to lift a finger on your site. And, if you’re interested in SEO placement or copywriting services, our full-service digital marketing team can provide those as well. Contact us today to talk about your website.